Thinking about managing your own pay-per-click advertising? Here are some quick tips to help you decide if you should keep it in-house or hire an agency.
When to manage in-house
It’s all about time, resources and expertise. If you can dedicate the time, allocate the resources and gain the expertise – running your ppc campaigns in-house could be a great fit. When you should run ppc in-house:
- You have a dedicated in-house marketing person
- Your marketing person has some basic ppc training
- You have limited budget and want to just “try out” ppc
If you’re feeling empowered, below are a few helpful places to start.
Download this free “Campaign Setup” guide from Google:
Google Adwords Campaign Setup
Here is a nice little “Starter Guide” from Google:
When to hire an agency
It’s time to hire an agency when you’re ready for the pros. Whether you’re first starting out or you’ve been running in-house campaigns for a long time, we’ve found that most clients decide to hire an agency when the benefits start to outweigh the costs. When you should outsource your ppc to an agency:
- Your PPC campaigns are not producing leads or new business
- You don’t have the time or expertise to setup, manage and track success
- You want to make a concerted effort to measure ROI
Ready to Start Planning?
Download a Free Checklist we’ve created to help you plan, setup, design, execute and measure your inbound marketing campaigns. Before you dive in, make sure you’ve dotted all your i’s and crossed all your T’s. Here’s the checklist to make sure you’ve covered all your bases: