3 Questions to Ask Before You Film

Making a video is exciting but also a little scary. Most people think a lot about what they’re going to wear or what’s in their teeth but not as much about the strategy behind the video. In an effort to help the world make better video content, here are three questions to ask yourself before […]

3 Tips for Hosting WordPress

Alright, you have a brand new WordPress website but what happens after you launch? Who keeps it updated? And what happens if it crashes or gets hacked? Here are three tips for hosting your WordPress website: 1. Monthly Updates WordPress is a database-driven content management platform which basically means there are a lot of moving […]

How to Listen Better

Have you ever been in a conversation where you can’t get a word in? If not, this video is for you. But seriously, most people love to talk. Like me, I’m talking your ear off right now. Ironically, marketing and sales, counter to what we all think, is all about listening. How do you get […]

5 Ways to Use Video

We all know that video can help your business connect with your target market but what kind of video is right for you? Here are some ideas. Number 1: Personal Videos. Introduce yourself to a new lead or help your company land a big sale. Number 2: Process Videos. These simply walk your viewer through […]

3 Reasons to use SEO

Today let’s talk about the 3 main reasons why every business should be using SEO. Number 1: SEO works. When folks are looking to make a purchase of a product or service. To find a new company to do business with, they’re looking at the top of the search engines. That’s where your business needs […]

4 Website Redesign Questions

Ok so you’re thinking about redesigning your website. But do you really need a redesign? And is it the right time? Ask yourself these four questions and you’ll have the answer. How old is your website? It’s kind of like asking, “How old is the milk in your fridge?” At some point it starts to […]